Frequently Asked Questions

What type of turf has Turfplaning been completed on?
Bermuda. We are currently conducting studies on “cool” season grasses (Bluegrass, Rye Grass, Bent Grass, and Fescue)
What type of fields have you Turfplaned?
We have used the g2 Turftools Turfplaner™ on baseball, softball, football, soccer, polo, golf tees and fairways, roadway right of ways, and aviaton taxiways and aprons.
Can Turfplaning technology be applied to any turf surface?
YES, turfplaning can be accomplished in any one of three modes of operation, Manual, Autograde™, or Laser. One is suitable for any turf surface.
Can my turf be put on grade in one operation?
If your turf is within 2" of desired grade it can be accomplished in one operation with a 2 to 3 week recovery. If your turf requires a deeper cut it will be suggested whether to do so in one operation or multiple operations.
Can Turfplaning be used prior to re-sodding or seeding?
YES, turfplaning is very effective in preparing the surface for re-sodding or seeding. Turfplaning leaves the surface smooth, on grade, and stable. Since the surface is undisturbed, sod can be installed directly, however if you are seeding, we recommend aerifying prior to seeding follow seeding by top dressing and rolling immediately.
How much does it cost?
Typical turfplaning costs are a fraction of conventional resurfacing. Please contact us for a Free estimate.
How long does the Turfplaning process take?
A typical football field can be completed in as little as 1 ½ days or 1 acre per day.
How long does it take for my Turf to recover?
Healthy turf that has been turfplaned at 2" or less typically fully recovers in 2 to 3 weeks. Turf that was turfplaned at more than 2" recovers at a rate of 2 weeks per 1" of additional cut.
Is there a lot of material removed during the Turfplaning process?
The turfplaning process produces a tremendous amount of spoils, typically 120 cubic yards per 1" of cut per acre, or 240 cubic yards of spoils for a typical football field.
What do I do with the spoils?
The spoils are viable sprigs that can be used to re-sprig thin or bare spots, fill in low spots, or simply be disposed.
What do I need to do to regrow the Turfplaned turf?
Normal turf maintenance operations can be followed except for the need to fertilize at a rate of 1# of nitrogen per 1,000 sf per week and a little additional water (due to loss of turf canopy).
Have you seen a change in Ph on the Turfplaned areas?
YES, we have seen a lowering of the Ph by as much as 1 full point in the turfplaned areas, because of this we recommend soil samples be taken prior to and immediately following the turfplaning operation, with corrective actions if necessary.
What is recommended prior to Turfplaning?
Maintain existing turf in an aggressive grow-in manner to include, fertilizing, and aerification a minimum of 2 weeks prior to turfplaning.
Will the Turfplaned area be susceptible to erosion or settling?
Since turfplaning does not disturb the underlying soil and roots, we have not seen any erosion or settling that is normal for conventional resurfacing.
Has Turfplaning been used to remove weeds or over seeding?
Turfplaning specifically to remove weeds or over seeding has not been done. We however have noticed that the turf after turfplaning is more weed free. We will be doing some studies this season on over seeded turf to see how effective early turfplaning is in removing the rye grass and if the early removal of the ryegrass improves the “green up” of the Bermuda grass.
How do I schedule Turfplaning my turf?
Call or email us on our contact page. We will contact you to answer questions and schedule an appointment to discuss your turfplaning options.
What if I’m not located in North or South Carolina?
The good news is that there may be a service provider in your area! Go here to determine which of our service provider’s services your area www.turfplaningservices.com
Do you sell any turf maintenance equipment?
We do not sell the Turfplaner equipment, but we do offer the service in North and South Carolina. However, the developer of the Turfplaner™, g2 turftools, is a company dedicated to providing precision turf equipment for sports fields and golf courses.
Go here to find out more www.g2turftools.com