Laser turfplaning® is the precision removal of surface irregularities (up to 2") from turf areas

in a single pass. Through the use of a g2 turftools, inc. 84" turfplaner® equipped with proportional laser, leveling to an accuracy, never before attainable, of +/- 1/4" on existing turf areas (athletic fields, golf tees, golf fairways) is now reality. This revolutionary turfplaning® process does not require the need to remove or replace the turfgrass on effected areas. turfplaning® not only reduces cost of resurfacing to a fraction of conventional turf removal, tilling, re-grading, and re-grassing, but also greatly reduces time and need to re-grow root zone prior to using. With the use of turfplaning®, full recovery of turf and resumption of normal activities on a smooth and consistent surface can be accomplished in as little as 3 to 6 weeks.
How does turfplaning® differ from fraise mowing?

The turfplaner® is, in fact, a fraise mower. The major difference is how the machine is controlled. First, the turfplaner® is towed behind a tractor, while other fraise mowers are hooked to the 3-point hitch of the tractor. Second, a computer used to control the turfplaner® is mounted next to the tractor operator. This computer is what sets the turfplaner® apart from its competition. The operator never has to get off of the tractor to adjust any part of the turfplaner®. All adjustments are done with the computer, making all transitions from planed to undisturbed turf smooth with no noticeable cut edges (safe surface inheritance with turfplaning®).

What is Fraise Mowing?
10 Advantages to turfplaning®
Cost: Conventional surface renovation requires the removal of existing turf, tilling of the soil profile, rolling, laser grading existing soil profile, removing excess soil material, repeat laser grading of existing soil profile material, re-grassing (seeding, sprigging, or sodding), and finally growing in new turf. turfplaning® only requires a single pass to remove top layer of existing turf and soil, without disturbing the underlying roots or soil profile. At 1/10th the cost of conventional renovation, turfplaning® is the best alternative.
Accurate: Conventional surface renovation requires that the existing soil profile be disturbed and re-compacted prior to laser grading (maximum accuracy +/- 1/4"). This can lead to potentially inconsistent compaction that will result in settling and a surface that goes "off grade" much faster. With dual proportional laser control and a laser accuracy to +/- 1/16" you can expect your turf planed finished grade to be accurate to +/- 1/4" and stay there since the underlying soil profile is undisturbed
Faster: Conventional surface renovation can take four weeks or more, depending on weather and turf availability. turfplaning® with production rates exceeding 4,000 square feet per hour, and average football field can be put "back on grade" in two days or less, not dependent on weather or turf availability.
Grow-in: Conventional surface renovation requires anywhere from 2 to 52 weeks of "grow-in" to get ready for return of play depending on whether, seed, sprigs, or sod are used. Even if sod is used, a 2 to 4 week grow-in is required to get a minimum of 2" roots to stabilize the soil and reduce irrigation. With turfplaning® you should have full turf coverage in 3 weeks.
Water Conservation: The water requirements of a normal "grow-in" can easily exceed 1/2" per day (depending on weather conditions) or 13,577 gallons per day per acre or 712,800 gallons for an average football field grow-in. turfplaning® only requires normal watering or 1" to 2" per week or 305,482 gallons for the same three weeks.
Layering: Soil layering has always been a problem associated with sodding. No matter how good your soil profile is, unless your sod is grown on the same type soil profile, your soil profile is compromised as soon as the sod is laid. A vigorous aerification (removing cores) program must follow to restore the original soil profile. turfplaning® removes all of the excess material (thatch and soil) and returns the surface back to the original soil profile without contamination.
Play: Normally scheduled play can resume in as little 3 to 6 weeks after turfplaning®, while return to normal play on a conventionally restored field can take as much as 12 months depending on methods of re-turfing (seed, sprigs, or sod).
Original: turfplaning® with its low cost and quick grow-in can be used to keep your turf on its original optimum grade year after year.
Maintenance: turfplaning® on a regular basis (every 2 years) can decrease or eliminate all together the need for verticutting, top dressing, and use of herbicides on overseed. In most cases this reduced maintenance will pay for the turfplaning® and keep your turf "on-grade".
Liability: turfplaning® makes an athletic field safer for participants. Removal of the imperfections (humps, lips, and reducing low spots) creates a smoother surface for all to enjoy. Record turfplaning® in your maintenance log to show that you are proactive in the safety of anyone that gets on your field.

Fraise mowing is relatively new to the turfgrass industry. Because of the nature of a fraise mower, many are shy to try it on their own athletic field. However, the results are far more beneficial. Stronger turf, smoother surface, less weeds, better drainage, and a safer field are some compelling reasons to fraize mow. Using a turfplaner® to fraize mow adds in technology that is unique. The turfplaner® technology turns fraize mowing into turfplaning®. Smoother surfaces and a safer field are amplified by this technology.